英日字典: get_out
The get_out has 7 Senses.
- get out, exit, leave, go out
- 去る, 離れる, 退去, 罷る, 辞去, 離れ去る, 失せる, 立ちさる, 立去る, 離去る, 退く, 拝辞, 立ち去る, 引下がる, 退散, 外す, 引下る
- move out of or depart from; "leave the room"; "the fugitive has left the country"
- 出て行く、または立ち去る
- get out, pull out
- 退く, 立ち去る
- move out or away; "The troops pulled out after the cease-fire"
- 引っ越す、または立ち去る
- get out
- express with difficulty; "I managed to get out a few words"
- 困難を伴って伝達する
- get out, take out, pull, pull out, draw
- 抜きとる, 取り出す, 引っこぬく, 抜く, 引っ張り出す, 抜き取る, 抜取る, 引っぱり出す, 引抜く, 掴み出す, 抜きだす, 引出す, 引っこ抜く, 引き抜く, 抜き出す, 引き出す, 引ん抜く, 取出す
- bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover; "draw a weapon"; "pull out a gun"; "The mugger pulled a knife on his victim"
- 容器からまたはカバーの下から持ってくる、持っていくまたは引っ張ってくる 270
- get out, get by, escape, get away, get off
- 免れる, 逃れる, 逃がれる, 逃げおおせる, 逃避
- escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action; "She gets away with murder!"; "I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities"
- 潜在的に不快な結果から逃れる
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